
everything I want to do is illegal - war stories from the local food front

Everything I want to do is illegal. As if a highly bureaucratic regulatory system was not already in place, 9/11 fueled renewed acceleration to eliminate freedom from the countryside. Every time a letter arrives in the mail from a federal or state agriculture department my heart jumps like I just got sent to the principal’s office. And it doesn’t stop with agriculture bureaucrats. It includes all sorts of government agencies, from zoning, to taxing, to food inspectors. These agencies are the ultimate extension of a disconnected, Greco-Roman, Western, egocentric, compartmentalized, reductionist, fragmented, linear thought process.


LIAISONS - RELAZIONI - LINKS (the food and us)

LE MASSAGE DU VENTRE Des études sérieuses démontrent l'étroite liaison entre notre cerveau et notre abdomen, à tel point que l'on peut qualifier ce dernier de « second cerveau » (ou cerveau entérique). Le Chi-Nei-Tsang, technique de massage chinoise, vise rien de moins, que de rétablir bien-être et joie de vivre, en détendant notre ventre, qui est mémoire de toutes nos émotions. Le Chi-Nei-Tsang (CNT) ou massage régénérateur des organes internes, issu de la plus ancienne tradition chinoise, a été proposé depuis peu en Occident par Mantak Chia (1) et ses disciples. II est avant tout un moyen extrêmement efficace pour dissoudre des énergies négatives accumulées dans les principaux organes du corps au fil des ans, lesquelles se manifestent à terme sous la forme d'innombrables pathologies somatiques, ou de perturbations d'ordre psychique ou émotionnel, non moins nombreuses. Des émotions négatives telles que la peur, la colère, l'anxiété, la tristesse ou le découragement (si elles sont trop fréquentes ou deviennent chroniques) engendrent des obstructions énergétiques très dommageables pour la santé (...)
Article paru dans le mensuel BIOCONTACT n° 134 de mars 2004 par Matéo Magarinos

GOOD LIFE - let's go for it


Yahoo Announces Yahoo Food

The Top 10 Creepiest Fast Food Mascots

I don't eat much fast food anymore. Maybe it's because I read Fast Food Nation a few years back and that scared me off the chalupas and whoppers. Or it could be because the doctor told me to watch my fat intake and ease off the fried foods. When I really think about it though, those excuses are kinda lame. I think that the real reason I don't eat fast food is because fast food restaurants are doing their damndest to scare us away from their restaurants. I mean look at the weirdos they have peddling their food. Scary clowns? Creepy old men? Purple blobs? The fast food companies been subjecting us to these creeps for years, but recently the situation has become unbearable. So without further ado, I present to you my list of the 10 creepiest fast food mascots [note: I'm limiting the list to characters peddling goods for fast food outlets - I realize that the Kool Aid Man and Count Chocula are also disturbing, but that's for another list]:

Super Organics

Polpette al grasso di Marco

Why Isn't There a Food vs. Fashion Debate?

Would you give the shirt off your back for cheaper food across the globe?

Much has been made of the negatives of using farmland to grow corn for biofuel production. A UN official went so far as to call the conversion of arable land from food to fuel production a "crime against humanity."

But what you don't hear often is outrage over the use of arable land to produce another non-food commodity: cotton. US cotton plantings alone topped 9.6 million acres (although they're off a bit from last year). India, on the other hand, now seeds almost three times that much land with cotton. The US, China, and India alone plant almost 50 million acres with cotton.

How do we feed the cities of the future

street food

Dining alone? Call up a guest on screen

Otaku Food Souvenirs

As Akihabara becomes more of a tourist attraction for Japanese looking to visit the center of nerd culture (which is currently experiencing a bit of mainstream popularity thanks to the mixed-media blitz that is Densha Otoko), the latest big thing there is o-miyage -- gifts, usually in the form of food, that are only available in a certain location and meant to be taken back home for your family and friends who didn't get to go.

the CandyFab project

The New Science of Eating

Have a few hundred harried lunches wolfing down a burrito while answering email made you a little chubby? Brian Wansink has some advice for you, and it's not trading the burrito for a salad. Just stop emailing while you eat.

The edible Schoolyard

The Future of the Global Food System

BOSTON, Ma - What is the future of the global food system? In this speech delivered at the AAAS annual meeting, Per Pinstrup-Andersen, a Cornell professor of food, argues that the food system is broken and needs to be fixed. He attempted to provide a set of science and policy priorities that he thinks could help make our food system more sustainable and more efficient.

Food access radar

square watermelons

Square watermelons are prepared for shipment in Zentsuji in Kagawa Prefecture. The melons are grown this way by being put into cubes of translucent plastic while still on the vine. The idea is to make it easier for them to fit into refrigerators.

Growing Round The Houses

A new briefing paper by Ben Reynolds of Sustain and Christine Haigh of Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), explains how social housing providers and their tenants can work together on their estates to grow food. As well giving advice on how to set up a food growing project on their estate, it describes examples such as the Spitalfields Estate Community Garden, where residents worked together to build themselves a food growing space for vegetables and herbs popular with the local ethnic minority community.

rice paddy art

This stop-motion video of the 2008 Inakadate rice crop art is composed of still images captured daily from June 1 to July 3, 2008 via the roof webcam at the adjacent town hall. The 3.7-acre work features the images of Daikoku, god of wealth (left), and Ebisu, god of fishers and merchants (right), which were created using five different colors of rice plants. On July 4, just as the crop was beginning to mature, the organizers shut down the webcam when they removed the JAL ad portion of the artwork at the request of the rice paddy owner.

Musei del Cibo

City Harvest

Andrea Caretto / Raffaella Spagna


livro de carne

What I look for is contact with reality in its totalily, everything that is rejected, everything that is set aside because of its contentious character. A contesting which encloses a ra-dical reali-ty, because this reality exists, despite being dissimulated through symbols. In my work, things are not indicated (represented), but rather lived, and it is necessary to dive into one, toto/ manipulate it. And that is diving into yourself. The work has its own life because it belongs to all of us, because it is our everyday reality, and it is at this point that I give up my categorization as “artist”, because I no longer am. Nor do I need any other label and that, obviously, extends to the work. It cannot be labeled because it does not need to be, nor are there any other words that can categorize it, because it happens that everything and nothing have lost their sense of being.
artur barrio