
food NOT bombs

You can make a big difference by having everyone you know send in A DOLLAR FOR PEACE. Food Not Bombs is as busy as ever. Imagine how much we could do if a million people donated a dollar each to Food Not Bombs. We are already doing so much on the money that has already been contributed. We are feeding the people displaced by the failing global economy. along with the food we recover we are also buying thousands of pounds of grains, beans and other bulk foods. We are also buying and collecting seeds to grow organic food. We are feeding thousands of hungry people every week in over 1,000 communities all over the world.

E il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare

Quindici metri sotto il mare per un affinamento di 2/6 mesi, un’immersione sui fondali del Pacifico che neanche il migliore dei sub potrebbe sostenere così a lungo. Cavas Submarinas produce a tutti gli effetti vini con lo “scafandro”: chiusi ermeticamente nella loro bottiglia di vetro, e sigillati da un tappo di silicone con un tessuto interno spugnoso, riposano sotto le acque dell’Oceano davanti alla costa sud del Cile. Due le località di affinamento sottomarino di Cavas Submarinas: Concepcion (500 chilometri a sud di Santiago) e Zapallar (a 100 chilometri). Sono quattro invece le etichette di questo originale mix tra Bacco e Nettuno, dio del mare: il Pinot Noir-Carménère (85% e 15%); il Cabernet Sauvignon (con un 14% di uve merlot e 1% di carménère); il Moscat-Chardonnay (75% e 25%). Il quarto è il Pinot Noir-Carménère, stessi uvaggi, ma Riserva Marina. I primi tre hanno un prezzo di 15 euro, l’ultimo di 23 euro. La produzione è limitata, circa 8 mila bottiglie a etichetta.


L'esterno è uno spazio fluido che comunica senza soluzione di continuità con l'interno. Un ambiente vivo tutto l'anno dove il locale esprime la sua personalità (...)

Paesaggi, tipicità e massaggi: funziona

Un ristorante con tanto di hotel, spa e hamman nel profondo delle Langhe. Cascina Langa, un'idea coraggiosa ma premiata, grazie a elaborati menu e ai percorsi salutari personalizzati.


L'idea è semplice: gli alimenti invenduti (ma ancora perfettamente salubri e commestibili) presso le attività commerciali del territorio possono essere recuperati da associazioni ed enti caritativi che ne fanno richiesta ed utilizzati per il sostegno di persone in condizioni di disagio, cercando così di migliorare quantitativamente e qualitativamente la loro alimentazione e qualità della vita. "Il buono che avanza" è un progetto promosso dal Comune di Bologna, ideato dal Dipartimento di Agraria dell'Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna e realizzato da Last Minute Market. Si basa sull'esperienza realizzata con successo all'Ipercoop CentroNova di Coop Adriatica. Il Comune di Bologna attiverà un Comitato di Indirizzo che avrà, fra l'altro, il compito di valutare ed indirizzare le azioni del progetto. Il Comitato è costituito, oltre che dal Comune di Bologna, da: Azienda USL di Bologna, Regione Emilia Romagna, Azienda Ospedaliera di Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università degli Studi di Bologna, COOP ADRIATICA, CARITAS, MIUR - Centro Servizi Amministrativi, ASCOM, CONFESERCENTI, ATC, ARPA, HERA, Forum Terzo Settore. Il progetto è inserito nell'ambito del Piano per la Salute della nostra città. COME FUNZIONA Gli esercizi commerciali, singoli negozi, raggruppamenti territoriali di esercizi commerciali, punti vendita della grande distribuzione (supermercati e ipermercati) che partecipano al progetto, presentando la domanda al Comune di Bologna, si impegnano a consegnare gli alimenti (deperibili e a lunga scadenza) invenduti ma ancora utilizzabili alle associazioni loro indicate. Vengono definiti donatori. Le associazioni di volontariato, gli enti caritativi, che si occupano dell'assistenza alle persone in difficoltà sociale, raccolgono questi alimenti destinandoli all'alimentazione delle persone, o mediante la preparazione diretta dei pasti o mediante la preparazione di pacchi-viveri. Nel primo caso le associazioni devono possedere le attrezzature e la certificazione adeguata al trattamento e alla trasformazione dei cibi. Questi enti vengono detti beneficiari. Il Comune di Bologna, con la collaborazione di Last Minute Market, predispone moduli applicativi che permettano l'incontro tra "domanda" delle associazioni e "offerta" degli esercizi commerciali, fino alla stipula di un accordo tra donatore e beneficiario che regolamenti lo svolgimento dell'attività, in modo da garantire: - sotto l'aspetto logistico-operativo: la massima prossimità territoriale tra donatore e beneficiario, la garanzia del ritiro nei modi e nei tempi prestabiliti; - sotto l'aspetto igienico-sanitario: la supervizione ed approvazione del progetto da parte dell'AUSL di Bologna e del Settore Salute del Comune di Bologna, la garanzia del corretto impiego dei beni donati da parte degli enti beneficiari - sotto l'aspetto fiscale ed amministrativo: il recupero IVA sui prodotti donati, le agevolazioni sulle imposte dirette, la gestione burocratica semplificata di tutto l'iter sia da parte del donatore che da parte del beneficiario. www.lastminutemarket.org


La rosetta con il salame ha fatto il suo tempo. Oggi i panini che piacciono sono frutto di studiate combinazioni di gusti e forme. Come insegnano alcuni noti chef che ne hanno inventate delle belle

Pechino: operazione 'cibo sicuro'

Operazione 'cibo sicuro' delle autorita' cinesi sui prodotti alimentari destinati ad atleti e addetti ai lavori alle Olimpiadi. Il quotidiano 'China Daily' scrive oggi che le 148 aziende che riforniscono il villaggio olimpico e le altre strutture legate ai Giochi, 'sono monitorate 24 ore su 24'. 'I controlli effettuati finora - ha dichiarato il direttore dell'organizzazione - hanno evidenziato che il 98,4% dei prodotti e' di altissima qualita''.


Shake Shack: A New York Spin on the West Coast–Style Burger


The Shake Shack

Southeast corner of Madison Square Park (corner of 23rd Street and Madison Avenue; map); shakeshacknyc.com The Short Order: One of the best burgers in the Big Apple. Inspired by West Coast-style burgers but with a unique New York spin. These days there's almost always a long, long line. The signature Shackburger is very good, but the plain cheeseburger is even better, as it allows the great flavor and texture of the sirloin-brisket beef mixture to stand alone Want Fries with That? No. They blow. They're frozen, pre-fab, and OreIda-like. Get a tasty shake or frozen custard instead Price: Shackburger, $4.75; cheeseburger, $4; double cheeseburger, $6.50

I was sitting in Los Angeles's famous Apple Pan restaurant a few weeks back talking with a lady who was curious as to why someone might be taking pictures of hamburgers. We got to talking about burgers, blogging, and A Hamburger Today, and when she found out that I lived in New York, she immediately asked about the Shake Shack. As I finished expounding my thoughts on the place, I heard a polite "excuse me, did you just mention Shake Shack?"

It turns out the gentleman asking the question was a friend of none other than George Motz, author and director of Hamburger America, the book and the film. It's a small world, and Shake Shack has managed to become virtually synonymous with hamburgers in New York. Even if they can't quite put their finger on the name, out-of-towners will often effuse about the great burgers they had in the park.

Upon returning home to New York after an extensive education in L.A. burgers (many, many reviews to come) I needed two things. The first was a bit of exercise, and the second was a frame of reference. Something to put into context what I had sampled on the West Coast and relate it to my hamburger experiences in and around New York.


I could have gone to a number of great spots for this task, but my recent conversations about the Shack made me realize that I had not actually eaten there at all this year. This omission was the result of nothing other than a stubborn refusal on my part to stand in line for something that I used to get with no wait at all. You see, during the Shacks earlier years, before they opened year-round and became permanently cemented into the tourist vernacular, there was a time when you could roll up at odd hours, say mid afternoon or late evening, and be guaranteed only a short wait for your burger.


The only time there's no line at the Shake Shack—when it's not open. Tip: If you want only shakes or custard (but why would you?), there's a "B Line" that's express for those items only.

These days, the line is prohibitively lengthy no matter what time you get there. The handy Shack Cam that was added in 2006 certainly helps monitor the situation and usually saves one from even bothering to leave home if the line snakes all the way to the edge of the webcam's field of view, which is almost all the way to Broadway. If you see no line, it usually means that the weather is inclement, a fact that is usually confirmed by watching for a few moments and seeing umbrellas unfold and the Shack's outdoor seating empty out.

Since I live nearby, I actually use the Shack Cam to gauge the weather. In any event, the line is an indication that something special must be going on in Madison Square Park. To say that the Shack is a roaring success would be an understatement.

That is not to say that Shack operator Danny Meyer has rested on his laurels since opening Shake Shack in 2004. Last year, in particular, saw the introduction of some positive innovations, such as the buzzer notification system that helped dissipate the mass of people who would huddle around the food-service window; the erection of heat lamps to better suit the Shack's new, year-round schedule; and the addition of pickles and diced onions as an option on the burgers. The latter change was a most welcome to the menu; I had often opined that the putting pickles and onions on the Shackburger (the signature burger here, which comes with tomato, lettuce, cheese, and "Shack Sauce") would be an improvement on an already exceptional burger. I do wish however that they offered the new condiments inside the burgers rather than serving them in small plastic containers. I hate fumbling with the containers while my burger looses heat, and I also like it when the pickles are warmed by the burgers and wilt slightly. They could also save a lot of plastic containers, but given the extremely cramped quarters within which the Shack operates, I can appreciate that space—especially counter space—is a valuable commodity.

An Analysis of The Shackburger


Shake Shack vs. In-N-Out

The Shack: Has a thicker patty. Has more flavorful beef. Has higher fat content ... ...And is therefore juicier. Goes easy on the lettuce. Uses potato rolls.

The Shackburger seems to be the most popular burger on offer. It has often been likened to the West Coast chain In-N-Out Burger because it is served with lettuce, tomato, and "special" (or, in this case, "Shack") sauce. Having eaten at In-N-Out the preceding week, I can understand why a cursory observation of the Shack Burger might lead one to conclude that it is a West Coast–style burger, but I don't think this is necessarily borne out in the taste and texture of the sandwich.

For one, the patty is a lot thicker at the Shack, dwarfing even a double from In-N-Out, and the beef is far more flavorful and has a higher fat content; it is also cooked to order and ostensibly served medium by default, although I think they tend to generally overcook the patties. The Shack, unlike most L.A. burgers that I sampled, adds lettuce in a sparing manner, by the leaf rather than the head, and the bread used is definitely pure East Coast—the Shack uses potato rolls that are part of the Dutch/German/Pennsylvania baking tradition. Even the special sauce, which in California is invariably a Thousand Island variant, is at the Shack much closer to a garlic mayo. It is fair to say that Shake Shack took the West Coast model as inspiration but has put a unique New York spin on it.

Biting into a the Shack's burgers can be a wondrous experience. The buttered and griddle cooked potato roll exhibits a dark-brown burnish and has the richness of a croissant even before the copious juices from the custom blend of beef drench it. Bun disintegration is a distinct possibility at the Shack, especially because it serves its burgers standing upright, which causes the torrent of juices to collect at the bottom of the wax paper sleeves. You can't let Shack burgers sit around too long lest you be left with a very mushy bun.

The bun is similar, albeit larger than the potato rolls I so loved at White Manna recently and it does an equally outstanding job at holding the plump, succulent patty.

The beef, an intoxicating mix of brisket and sirloin, which used to be ground at Danny Meyer's Eleven Madison Park across the street, is now sourced from hamburger king Pat La Frieda. I would imagine that the demand exceeded the restaurant's ability to grind sufficient quantities in-house. Said beef is of an exceptional quality that has a distinct taste, closer to steak in fact than a hamburger. It has a richness and depth of flavor that is not achievable with regular chuck, and texturally it can be ground a bit coarser and still achieve tenderness.


The double cheeseburger: Too much beef, not enough bun.

The flattop griddle on which the patties are cooked is exceedingly hot, putting an impressive crust on the exterior of the burger even when cooked rare. The cheese adds just the right amount of creaminess, and the crisp lettuce adds some snap and resistance to the proceedings that juxtaposes nicely with the squishy compliance of the bun. I am not a fan of the double, finding the beef-to-bun ratio way off. There is simply far too much patty and not enough bread or condiments to bring it back in line. The delicate balance of texture and flavor of the single is gone.

What to Get: The Plain Cheeseburger


Despite my admiration for the Shack Burger, by far my favorite burger on the menu here is the plain cheeseburger cooked rare with a dab of ketchup. When "Hamburger Matty" Jacobs reviewed the Shake Shack back in 2005 he noted that while "... it's fun to pile a burger high with condiments, this one can stand alone." I couldn't agree more. Reducing the burger to the basic trinity of beef-bun-cheese allows the purity of the individual components to truly reveal themselves.

Having said all that, there are times when the Shack can be a letdown. Burgers are often overcooked even when ordered rare, and, as previously mentioned, the buns can get rather soggy. This is made all the worse by the fact that you've inevitably waited so long to get the burger in the first place. But even when there is no line, getting your order can still take a maddening long time.


I am also not a fan of the fries. Although they're an improvement over the ones that they used to serve, I still find they have a prefab, stale quality to them. I guess it would be a little difficult to hand-cut fries in the tiny confines of the Shack.

The place has an awful lot of hype to live up to, but I think the hype is largely justified.

People often ask me if the Shake Shack burger is worth lining up for. These days the wait can be more than an hour and on weekends I would imagine even longer. Personally, I have eaten there enough times and have so many other tantalizing burger options close by that I skip the Shack unless there is almost no wait. But if you are visiting New York and have never had a Shack burger or would rather spend some time outdoors than in a grimy burger joint, the Shake Shack will generally reward you with an outstanding burger. The place has an awful lot of hype to live up to, but I think the hype is largely justified. Whether the wait is justifiable, well, that is a personal decision.



The Future of Food

There is a revolution going on in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America, a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.

An ethnography of a neighbourhood café: informality, table arrangements and background noise

Ile flottante

NY flavors

The Starving Artists' Cookbook

Playing to the Senses: Food as a Performance Medium

ZIBALDONE: An elegant realm of architectural delight

Eating Architecture

Food + Architecture

Why grow food in cities?

Grow Bags

The Great Hoxton Bake Off

The Great Hoxton Bake Off is a chance to explore some of the issues architects face daily and expounds their architectural philosophy in cake form. It’s also a chance for some plain old one-upmanship.How do we deal with taste in architecture? Is ornament a crime? Does mass production or the skill of artisans offer a way forward? Should we be producing iconic one-offs or wholesome multiples? How do we deal with density, high-rise or soufflé?

nonsoloAlimentari. Oggetti di design e artigianato per la tavola e la cucina

Farm to college

Power Food

Conversations that never happened

Sabores y Lenguas: 13 Ciudades

Prototype of a micro urban farm in Karosta

LATVIA / Liepaja / Karaosta / EXYZT art project At the 1994 latvian independance, the soviet army left Karosta, one of the military soviet quarters on the Baltic coast in Latvia. Labichampi(Labi: well, good)is an Exyzt proposition for the Karosta neighbourhood. Aware that a political strategy has already been engaged for a ten year period progressive destruction of the old soviet blocks, we reacted to the current local issues with a short-term project.....We propose therefore to develop a prototype of a micro urban farm. It should be able to supply alternative ressources of the whole neighborhood in terms of local food production and potential incomes.....Among the alimentary habits and cultures in Latvia, the mushroom culture seems the most adapted to micro urban farming.Thus the creation of a Karosta informal mushroom company. The urban farm project should be a sustainable and shared activity that would incite local inhabitants to participate and get involved with their environment.

The Global Food Crisis: What You Need to Know

Il cibo dei poveri

L'aumento del prezzo del cibo è in parte causato da problemi temporanei che presto o tardi verranno risolti", scrive Amartya Sen sul New York Times. "Ma alla base ci sono questioni più gravi, primo fra tutti la distribuzione asimmetrica delle ricchezze. Gran parte della discussione sulla povertà nel mondo oppone coloro che hanno i soldi a quelli che non possiedono quasi nulla. Ma in realtà anche tra i poveri ci sono grandi differenze: tra quelli che vivono in paesi a forte e rapida crescita economica e gli altri". Coabitare con una parte della popolazione che si è arricchita rapidamente è problematico. "Di solito i più ricchi acquistano molti prodotti alimentari facendo lievitare così la domanda e il prezzo a scapito dei poveri". Sen conclude: "Abbiamo bisogno di politiche economiche che partano da una corretta analisi del problema e intervengano sulle disparità verticali della globalizzazione".

Dining out - Ristorante dell'Arte

Il cibo e' un aspetto fondamentale per l'uomo non solo per il sostentamento, ma anche per la convivialità in esso implicita. Il cibo e' anche metafora del nutrimento spirituale: arte e cucina sono da sempre legati nella magia della trasformazione alchemica.Questo e' un soggetto molto indagato dalla storia dell'arte, dal Mangiafagioli di Annibale Carracci ai ritratti di Arcimboldo, dalle Nature Morte di Caravaggio alla Colazione sull'erba di Manet e fino ai giorni nostri. Con questo punto di partenza abbiamo immaginato una cena speciale con cristalleria e porcellane di Ben Vautier, "pietanze" di Emmett Williams e di Alison Knowles, i frutti di Philip Corner, i cioccolatini di Aldo Mondino e l'Uovo di Pasqua di Charlotte Moormann, brindando con le grappe di Nam June Paik e di Dick Higgins, seguendo il libro di cucina di Beuys e circondati da commensali altrettanto speciali come Spoerri, Arman, Cesar, Berty Skuber e Ben Patterson, presenti con le loro opere, cosi' che' l'UnimediaModern diventerà un restaurant dell'arte. 4 Ottobre 2007. UnimediaModern Contemporary ArtPiazza Invrea, 5 - Genova.